Early last year, I read the following quote on Ava DuVernay’s Instagram feed:
“Stop waiting for a door to open to follow your passion. Build your own door, then walk through with your own creative aspirations and accomplishments and hold it open for those behind you.”
When I read the post, I was a (somewhat) newly published author trying to make my way into book festivals and onto author panels. After many unsuccessful attempts, it appeared as though I was trying to open “doors” that were closed. I had conversations with several authors and found I was not alone in my attempt to open (seemingly) closed doors. It was around this time when I began to think, ‘It would be so nice to have a space of my own to host authors I’ve met and tell people about wonderful books they may not know about.’ However, at the time the idea seemed beyond my reach; like (seriously out of reach) wishful thinking.
Then, Covid-19 and the George Floyd protests hit and everything changed. It was a wake-up call; a reminder (once again) that life is fleeting and can be taken away at any given moment.
After a considerable amount of research, I decided not to waste another minute trying to talk myself out “building my own door”. It was time to move forward with my long-term love affair with books and open an online bookstore.
Why Little Visioneers?
We all have little visions for ourselves, our lives, our communities and the world at large. Everything begins with an idea, an inspiration, a vision. Little visions are the small beginnings from which great things can come.
Little Visioneers Bookstore will introduce, and highlight, a variety of books by women to represent a diverse, multi-cultural literary landscape. Inventory will appeal to a wide range of ages and interests, even those individuals who complain they can never find anything good to read, and as a result, are reluctant readers.
In addition to books, and handmade gift items, Little Visioneers Bookstore will offer an eclectic lineup of events that will include the following:
debut-author panels
author readings
podcast interviews
storytelling round tables to identify our common humanity through stories
Our online bookstore serves as a seedbed of knowledge to serve those who are ready for something new.
Much more than simply selling books on the New York Times Bestseller list, our book curation lists and inventory represent why we are in business:
to share information that will educate, encourage, inspire and entertain.
We thank you for being on this journey with us. Welcome to Little Visioneers!